The Red Cross: A Symbol of Sacrifice and Service Through History
Knights Templar

The Red Cross: A Symbol of Sacrifice and Service Through History

The Red Cross: A Symbol of Sacrifice and Service Through History The Red Cross is a universally recognized symbol of humanitarian aid and medical assistance. However, its origins are deeply rooted ...
Knights Templar

The Templars Caves in Brazil

Brazil, the land of exquisite landscape and a tropical lifestyle has witnessed various cultures throughout history. Lately, there has been a discovery in the heart of its caves that might change co...
Knights Templar

The Templars and the Holy Grail

The Holy Gail is allegedly the Cup that Jesus Christ used in the Last Supper. It is also thought that it’s the same cup that Joseph collected with the blood of Jesus at the cross. It is often seen ...
Knights Templar

The Templars and Maritime Activities

The Knights Templar is a monastic military order that emerged in the Holy Land in the 12th century. In the beginning, the Knights had no interest or need in engaging in maritime activities in the M...
Knights Templar

The Templar Cross and its Meaning

The Knights Templar is a military order that appeared in the Middle Ages. They were active from 1119 till 1317. The Templars were a prominent order in most Christian countries. Initially, a few kni...
Knights Templar

The Templars Dungeons in Domme

Domme is a small commune in the southwestern section of France. It was constructed in 1281, and it is one of the most exquisite towns in the country.  Domme is built on a hill of 150 meters. It ove...
Knights Templar

The Templars and the Hospitallers

Even after seven centuries since their ending, the Knights Templar still inspires and fascinates historians and Christians worldwide. They were the first military order and perhaps the most powerfu...
Knights Templar

The Life of Hughes de Payens

Hugh also goes by the name of Hugues (also called Hugues) de Payens is a nobleman from France who took part in the First Crusade, which was the starting point of a two-century conflict between the ...
Knights Templar

The Knights Templar Oaths

The Knights Templar is a monastic military order that started in Jerusalem in the Medieval ages. They were active for two centuries and fought in the Crusades alongside the Christians. Today, the o...