When you become a Master Mason, you can decide to start studying degree rituals and begin your journey through the Masonic chairs to become a Lodge Officer.
Most Freemasons learn rituals by attending lodge meetings and studying what they learned from these meetings.
As a Mason ascends through the Masonic chairs, he must memorize new parts of the Masonic ritual. The ritual is not that difficult to learn. Millions of Masons all over the world have learned this ritual over the years. They never learned it all at once, and it took a gradual process for them to learn it.
How Master Masons Learn Ritual
Once you become a Master Mason, you can learn Freemason through the following ways, other than studying on your own and memorizing what you learned from meetings.
1. Ritual Team: The fastest approach to learning Masonic ritual is by joining a Ritual Team or a Ritual Club. Members of these Teams are Master Masons that assist when degree ceremonies are performed. They majorly assist for during the second part of the Third Degree.Some Masonic districts have a dedicated team of members of a lodge that perform degree work and funeral ceremonies for all the lodges in a district. Masonic funeral ceremonies are lengthy affairs that are held to bid farewell to a Brother properly. Very few Master Masons are chosen to perform these ceremonies. Joining a Ritual Team can give you the opportunity of performing one of these ceremonies.
Most of the time, members of the Warden’s Club become so adept at ritual that they can perform degree ritual without the help of Ritual Team members and others. These knowledgeable members may then be required to help or mentor other Brothers.
Warden’s Clubs and Ritual Teams have practice meetings that Master Masons can attend. You can ask your Worshipful Master and other high-ranking officers in your lodge about these practice meetings and how you can attend them.
How those that haven’t become Master Masons learn Masonic Rituals
Those that haven’t become Master Masons i.e. Fellow Craft and Entered Apprentices are not mandated to learn ritual work. Degree work is performed exclusively by Master Masons. So, if you are a Fellow Craft or an Entered Apprentice, you can start to learn rituals by attending lodge meetings. You can also start studying for an officer position, and you can request that the Worshipful Master of your Lodge becomes a Masonic Mentor to you.
For those that aren’t Masons, you can’t learn about Masonic rituals until you become a Freemason. It’s quite understandable that a lot of non-Masons are curious about the rituals. But you need to become a Freemason first.
Before you decide to join the Brotherhood, you can learn a lot about Freemason on our blog. You can become a Mason regardless of your religion as the Brotherhood is non-sectarian and it embraces the Bible, the Torah, the Koran and other Holy Books.
My late father died as a Free Mason, i was 6 years old. I want to learn more about Mason so i can join in if i may.
My late father died as a Free Mason, i was 6 years old. I want to learn more about Mason so i can join in if i may.
Michael Parsons
How many times does the inner guard nock when oening the lodge in the first degree
How many times does the inner guard nock when oening the lodge in the first degree
Rich Scott
Nice and very clear and helpful
Nice and very clear and helpful